The logging only units sold by OxTS are designed for use cases where real time navigation outputs are not required. However, there are cases where you may want to troubleshoot the unit or get a basic idea of the health of the unit before/during a session. This article outlines some of those outputs.
Relevant units
- xNAV200
- xNAV250
Unit Outputs
NOTE: Some outputs require the unit to be initialized
Serial Outputs - NMEA strings at 4HZ
- GPZDA (date & time)*
- GPGGA (location lock)*
Ethernet Outputs
- Position Mode
- Velocity Mode
- Attitude Mode
- Number of Satellites used
- IMU temperature
Primary GPS information
- Position Mode
- Number of Satellites tracked
- Antenna status
- Antenna power
- GPS Baud rate
- GPS card supply voltage
Secondary GPS information
- Position Mode
- Number of Satellites tracked
- Antenna status
- Antenna power
- GPS Baud rate
- GPS card supply voltage
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