The following additional templates are currently available for NAVgraph. Please download and copy to your C:\ProgramData\OxTS\NAVgraph\Layout folder.
Acceleration XYZ - accelerations in the vehicle frame and speed
Acceleration FLD - accelerations in the level frame and speed
Accelerometer Bias - accelerometer bias and bias accuracy
Altitude - altitude
Angular rate FLD - angular rate in the level frame
Angular rate XYZ - angular rate in the vehicle frame
Antenna Lever Arms - primary antenna lever arms and accuracy
Antenna Voltage - supply voltage to NovAtel primary and secondary internal receivers
Differential Correction Age - differential age and GNSS mode
Dual Antenna Performance Heading - for assessing dual antenna performance
HDOP - horizontal dilution of precision for available GNSS satellites
Heading - heading and heading accuracy
LPS Angles - Omega, Phi, Kappa angles for Leica Photogrammetry Suite
Orientation - Pitch and Roll - pitch and roll with pitch and roll accuracy
Position accuracy Basic - for assessing position accuracy
Satellite Visibility - number of satellites used and tracked
Slip Angle - slip angle
Velocity FLD - velocity in the level frame
Wheel Speed Scale Factor - for assessing wheel speed sensor performance
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