It is possible to output RD files, with the configuration and feature codes, over Ethernet in the XCOM format. Raw data streaming allows you to log data directly to your computer. This means you can save time and hassle when moving into your post-process workflow, as you don't need to download data files from your device through NAVsolve or via FTP.
Raw data streaming requires 3 main steps:
- The RAW_OUT feature code enabled on the unit
- Advanced commands in the configuration to output the stream
- Processing the file in blended.exe
Note: this functionality requires an NDA due to the use of blended.exe and the 'Description of blended.exe operations and configuration files' document.
This flow chart shows the steps that are detailed below.
Configuration of the unit
The feature code can be enabled on all units (XBNS or RTBNS) with firmware newer than 151203.
The advanced commands required are:
-xcom_rd (this turns on raw data streaming within the XCOM packet container)
-pp_output_ncom (this is required for the NCOM export by blended but will save a lot of effort if it is added now)
These advanced commands can be input in the 'Commands' tab in the 'Advanced Tools' section of NAVconfig.
Logging the XCOM
Once these are added to the configuration, the unit will start outputting on UDP port 50475; this binary data can be logged in Wireshark but the file extension will need to be changed to .xcom before it can be processed.
Post processing
The instructions for how to extract the raw data and configuration files from the logged XCOM are contained within the “Description of blended.exe operations and configuration files” in sections 5-7 but the main points are:
In blended you can:
- Extract raw data from .xcom file
- Extract configuration files from .rd file
- Process RD file
If you are interested in RD file streaming, you can get in touch with your Channel Partner.
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