OxTS INS devices log raw data (RD) files by default. These RD files include the following information:
- Unit configuration details
- Raw data from the IMU and GNSS receivers
- Hardware configuration details
RD files can be post processed in NAVsolve to try and improve the accuracy of the data or for troubleshooting purposes.
How to get the RD file from the unit
In this guide we will refer only to the native Windows browser, but any FTP client can be used.
- Power up the INS and connect it to the PC via the Ethernet cable.
- Ensure your PC is configured with an appropriate IP address. The PC IP address needs to be a fixed address on the same IP range as the INS (but not identical to the INS IP address) - i.e. If the INS's IP address is, make sure your PC has an address where the first three sections match but the last section is different such as
- Open windows explorer (Any folder or "My Computer" will do initially) and type
(replace with the IP address of your unit) into the Address Bar: - This should return a folder as above. The raw data files use reverse date and UTC time format in their naming - yymmdd_hhmmss. Using this naming convention, you should be able to find the raw data corresponding to a specific test or incident.
- You may now simply copy, move or delete the files as required.
If you have trouble connecting your PC to your INS, this article may help.
Special Note: You should not add anything alien to this folder or delete anything other than the rd
files. Your configuration files are stored here and deleting, moving or renaming these is likely to
result in you having to reload your system configuration from scratch. There is also a shortcut link
called =USER. Please do not attempt to delete this or remove it.
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