The RT3000v3, RT500 and Survey+ include a WiFi transmitter. This means you can now connect devices to the RT over a wireless network or connect to the RT's network.
Make sure the unit is already configured with the WiFi enabled to be able to connect the RT to an existing network or setting it up as the access point. You will not be able to see existing networks if it is not enabled.
Access Point
The RT3000v3, RT500 and Survey+ can be configured to be an Access Point. This can allow a laptop to connect to the RT. While a computer is connected you can commit a configuration or check the NCOM stream.
The Network name (SSID) is by default "OxTS RT SN[serial number]" and can be edited. Certain characters cannot be used in the SSID, these are [<], [>], [&], ['], ["].
The Security of the network can be chosen to be: None, WPA and WPA2. And the Passphrase can be chosen if the security is enabled to WPA or WPA2.
The Router Gateway and Subnet mask can be changed to limit obstruction or prevent clashing IPs.
To keep in mind:
When WiFi is enabled on the system, it can take a few minutes for the RT's network to appear or for the RT to connect to the existing network.
When configuring the RT over WiFi, the configuration might say it has crashed and not successfully configured the unit. This is not the case, it has just timed out before the WiFi has come back online. Please wait a minute and check again on NAVconfig if the configuration has been set.
Connect to a network
While reading the configuration of an RT with WiFi enabled, you will be able to see the networks available on the bottom left box "Wireless networks in range of device".
Select the network you wish to connect to and drag it to the right box. If the network is secure you will need to add the password in the field available.
If a RT3000v3 has been configured to have internal NTRIP enabled, the unit will connect to the host address and connect to the NTRIP service. NTRIP Internal Client article can help you configure the NTRIP service.
When using the NTRIP Internal Client over WiFi, the Gateway Address for the NTRIP Internal Client and the Router Gateway should be configured as the same IP address.
If you experience any WiFi connection issues after committing a configuration or resetting the unit, you should delete all networks from the prioritised list, re-commit the configuration and repeat the connection process as described at the top of this section.
A network containing the following characters, [<], [>], [&], ['] and ["], will not be seen correctly and the RT will not be able to connect to the device. These characters cannot be used in the SSID of the RT.
Users with an IPhone hotspot will need to be careful if the phone is called "name's Iphone" as this has the non-usable [']. To change the name of the hotspot, go to "Settings" > "General" > "About" and select "Name". Here you can remove the ['] or change the name to something else.
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