This document provides instructions on how to install the NAVsuite software from OxTS. It is valid for NAVsuite versions 170829 and later, though the prerequisites may differ with the version. The software can be obtained either through the USB stick supplied with the INS product or as a download directly from the OxTS Support website.
System requirements
OxTS software will install and operate on PCs capable of running the operating systems listed below.
- Windows 7/8/10 (32 & 64-bit)
The latest service packs should also be installed for the operating system.
The NAVsuite installer is a mixed 32/64-bit, per-machine only package. Admin privilege is required for installation.
The PC must be equipped with an Ethernet port if the NAVsuite applications will be used to communicate with the OxTS INS products.
Obtaining NAVsuite
NAVsuite is supplied on a USB stick with every INS product from OxTS. The USB stick contains the NAVsuite.exe installer. Alternatively it can be downloaded from the OxTS support website at by clicking the Software download link.
Installing NAVsuite
The following components are required to install NAVsuite 2.5. If they are not detected, the NAVsuite installer will install them.
- .NET Framework 4.7.1
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319.1
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) - 14.0.23026
- DirectX 11.0 Runtime x64
- DirectX 11.0 Runtime x86
A restart may be required before the rest of the installation can take place.
Running the installer
If you downloaded the installer from the website, first unzip the saved file.
Run the NAVsetup.exe and follow the installation instruction prompts on the screen.
Admin rights
The user should have administrative rights to configure the firewall for the FTP and UDP port.
Write access is also required for the following system folders:
- Common Files
- Program Files or Program Files (x86) depending on operating system
- Program Data
- Users\<current user>\Documents
You may need to contact your system administrator if your permissions do not allow write access to these directories.
Uninstalling NAVsuite
It is not required to uninstall previous versions of NAVsuite in order to upgrade to the latest version.
If you wish to remove NAVsuite, this can be done through Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. After clicking to uninstall NAVsuite you will be prompted to confirm. It will then remove all files and applications for NAVsuite.
I get a digital certificate error when trying to install.
This can occur if not connected to the internet when trying to install. If you do not have internet access, there is a workaround described in this article on our support site,
I lost the icons for OxTS file types after updating NAVsuite.
This is a known issue for some Windows 7 users, due to an ongoing problem with Windows 7. Please see this article for further information,
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